Reflective Armor ||| The Commonplace Weekly Guide

Hello Reader!

Hello beloved one.



*Office hours are happening at LITTLE BIRD on Thursday from 10 to 12. It will be delightful.

*We are taking a whole church rest for Labor Day weekend. This means we will not have meet in person on September 1st. Please stay home and eat a big breakfast. Or, go camping. Or, walk a meandering path. Or, sit and watch a bird. Or, snuggle with someone you love. Check your email on Friday for an at-home liturgy & resource. :)

*Supper Club Hosts!--every so often, we form groups with the purpose of sharing a meal and getting to know others. This fall, supper clubs will meet three times in all. Each group is made up of 10 to 12 people, on average. We are looking for some fine folks to host a supper club group. You don't have to be an exquisite chef, you just have to be willing to be hospitable. :) Interested? Please text Denise Birdsall at 970.420.0058

*Our next church potluck will be on September 29th, right after church. Please come!

*Also, on September 29th, during the potluck, we'll have our second annual Do Justly Fair. Are you involved in a non-profit? We'd love to talk with you about representing your organization at this event (we promise it's lowkey and fun). Email me ( or Darren ( to learn more.

*enneagram book club! Hurrah and hooray! If you know me (Katrina), you know I have a long and deep love for the enneagram. It's a wonderful tool for spiritual growth and connection. Would you please join me in reading Self to Lose, Self to Find by Marilyn Vancil? Then, we will gather together on October 21st to discuss!

*Fall Retreat: One other date for your calendar...we are going to offer an opportunity to rest on November 9th. This will be a daylong retreat in the building. More details to come!

We hope that our time together is not just a stand-alone moment, but a movement which spills over into your week.

May it be so.

Reflective Armor

We usually follow the Revised Common Lectionary. Click on the link if you want to see what we'll be exploring in the weeks to come.


Redeeming Sustainer,

visit your people

and pour out your strength and courage upon us,

that we may hurry to make you welcome

not only in our concern for others,

but by serving them

generously and faithfully in your name.



Head to the Heart (Live)
United Pursuit
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Future / Past
John Mark McMillan
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Great Are You Lord
All Sons & Daughters
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Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Ephesians 6:10-18


  • Paul created a metaphor of the nonviolent soldier. This passage is a spoof of military imagery. The armor of God are all the tools of nonviolent resistance. Truth, justice, peace, salvation (another word for that is wholeness), faith or trust. The armor is a collection of tools we are given to help us “live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (4:1)
  • “Be strong” can be translated “be strengthened” —one is of our volition, the other is in collaboration with God
  • “But we have to replace the battle for power with the battle to create space for the Spirit." ~ Henri Nouwen; The armor of God can help us create space for the Holy Spirit.
  • The Belt of Truth: In what ways might we be called to live more transparently and honestly, both with ourselves and others?
  • Breastplate of Righteousness: How can we act on behalf of God’s righteousness, not for the world’s applause but for the glory of God?
  • Shoes of Peace: Imagine with God, what steps can we take to bridge divides, heal wounds, and create spaces of understanding?
  • Shield of Faith: Is there something flying at your right now that you just didn’t see coming?
  • Helmet of Salvation: Remember the helmet is how others can identify you. So, who are you? Who does God say you are?
  • Sword of the Spirit: What needs to be blocked? Or cut away? How can we use God’s word in this?



You are God’s Child

Gifted with dreams and visions.

Upon you rests the grace of God like flames of fire.

Love and serve the Lord in the wildness of your being.

Practice Resurrection.

And may the deep peace of Christ be with you,

The strong arms of God sustain you,

And the glory of the Holy Spirit shine upon your face.


Resource: Henri Nouwen

Over and over again, Nouwen's words are wise and practical. Consider spending some time with the website, the Henri Nouwen Society. There's a plethora of articles and videos. You may want to begin with one called Finding our Sacred Center which discusses spiritual disciplines.

Practice: Choose one piece of armor

Sure, the Bible says to put on the full armor of God. But, this may feel overwhelming at first. Consider just focusing on one for today. And, maybe tomorrow you pick up another one. Allow God to strengthen you, slowly.

When you financially support Commonplace Church, you help cultivate a place where people are drawn to the transformative heart of Christ through hospitality, beauty, authenticity, belonging, and wholeness.

Our donation platform, Zeffy, does not charge us any fees (which is truly incredible). When you check out, Zeffy prompts you to donate to their cause, with a suggested amount. You can opt out, if you want, by clicking the dropdown box and selecting "Other". Then, just type in 0.

Thank you for the many ways you give to our beloved community.

Grace and Peace,

Katrina and Darren

The Commonplace Church

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Hello Reader! Hello beloved one. *** Announcements: *Office hours are happening at LITTLE BIRD (613 S College Ave) on Thursday from 10 to 12. We have been having rich conversations--come be a part of it. *Supper Clubs! --beginning soon! A lovely simple way to build community. Please sign up by Saturday! *Our next church potluck will be on September 29th, right after church. Please come! *Also, on September 29th, during the potluck, we'll have our second annual Do Justly Fair. Are you involved...

Hello Reader! Hello beloved one. *** Announcements: *Office hours are happening at LITTLE BIRD (613 S College Ave) on Thursday from 10 to 12. We have been having rich conversations--come be a part of it. *CP Youth - the teen types are going to Fort Fun after church this Sunday! Please plan to come and pick-up will be at 2:30 at Fort Fun. *Family Housing Network next week!! It's once again time to host some unhoused families in the building. Our week is September 15th - 22nd. Please sign up to...

Hello Reader! Hello beloved one. How was your weekend? While it was nice to move slowly and rest in different ways, I am yearning to be with everyone again on Sunday! For this week, just find a few lil announcements and some ideas to try. *** Announcements: *Office hours are happening at LITTLE BIRD on Thursday from 10 to 12. Please stop by! *Youth Group - the teen types will be meeting this Sunday and next Sunday (the 8th and the 15th) right after church until 2 p.m. Questions? email us at...