The Sermon the Day After an Assassination Attempt ||| The Commonplace Weekly Guide

Hello Reader!

Hello beloved one.



*Office hours are happening over to Breadfellow (247 Linden St) on Thursday from 10 to 12. Please oh please, come.

*Depolarizing Ourselves by Braver Angels. A free in-person workshop to become more aware of your "inner polarizer" and to learn methods for disagreeing without contempt and ridicule...and it will be facilitated by our very own, Joyce Wood. Please register here for the event, taking place on July 28th right after church. A light lunch will be provided.

*Playdate on July 23rd from 9:30 to 11:00 at Lee Martinez Park. Come play!

Below, you will find some highlights from Sunday morning.

We hope that our time together is not just a stand-alone moment, but a movement which spills over into your week.

May it be so.

The Sermon the Day After an Assassination Attempt

We usually follow the Revised Common Lectionary. Click on the link if you want to see what we'll be exploring in the weeks to come.

Well, drat: Our livestream and audio continue to perplex us. Thus, there is no podcast nor youtube video for this week. Thanks for your patience. Instead of takeaways, please enjoy reading the transcript of Darren's sermon below.


God who is beyond politics and nations,

Christ who transcends the power of violence,

Holy Spirit who animates all people,

Be with us in this moment of violence, division, and turmoil.

Transform our rage and hate that we might see our brothers and sisters with your eyes.

Break our hearts of stone, give us hearts of love and understanding that your peace might prevail.



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John 18:10-11

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”


“The Sermon the Day After an Assassination Attempt”

(Subtitle: Comparing the right ear damage of Malchus and Donald)

I’ve never ever given a sermon the morning after an assassination attempt of a former president.

A bullet grazed the right ear of the 45th president of the United States. His name is Donald. We were reminded of that when the 46th president — his name is Joe — held a brief press conference. He stepped out from behind the curtain and thanked everyone for being there. And he said he had “tried to get ahold of…Donald.” Joe, from Scranton. And Donald, from Queens. Donald almost got killed. Joe tried calling him to see how he was holding up. And Joe said he was glad that Donald was safe and sound.

(When he said the name once given to a baby by a mom — and dad — long ago, it had a humanizing effect. Even though it’s really hard to do sometimes, we need to humanize people with whom we are in conflict or disagreement. We need to remember that once upon a time we were all little babies being named.)

Everyone who is someone we should listen to on these matters showed up looking very solemn in all of the media feeds — as is our custom. And what every last one of them is saying publicly is they condemn this sort of violence. What they are saying privately I do not know. They might have said this person will destroy our country an hour earlier. People are blaming the media. People are blaming the democrats. People are saying the republicans started it. Some people are blaming Donald. Some people are blaming Joe. And there are political calculations being made as we speak. Will this actually help — Donald?

Simon Peter more than grazed the right ear of the high priest’s slave the night they arrested Jesus. Jesus wasn’t running for anything. He did say he came to serve and lay down his life though. He did say the most important thing in this country or any country ever is love. He said a little more than that though. Jesus used some pretty inflammatory rhetoric himself. He called the leaders in Israel hypocrites, snakes, vipers, blind guides, fools, and killers of prophets. A couple days later, Peter — perhaps a bit destabilized by the political and religious mood in Israel — took matters into his own hands. Life or death sometimes comes down to a matter of a couple inches. Yesterday. And that night outside Jerusalem.

“Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (His name was Malchus.) Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”” John 18:10-11NIV

(For 2-3 years, Peter heard Jesus’s consistent messaging about non-violence. This doesn’t make me feel bad about Peter. This reminds me how hard it is to not lose one’s way when everything is going to hell.)

We all know what happened after that. Malchus recovered. Jesus was arrested. Weirdly, Peter was not arrested.

We don’t know what will happen after yesterday. We know the would be assassin is dead. And he did kill yesterday though not who he meant to kill.

And here we are again. And it’s so hot. It will cool soon. I’ve seen the forecast.

And there are so many things we can’t predict and can’t control. Like the weather. But every moment we have a choice. What will we do with this moment right now? What do I do with the feelings I feel? I’m not gonna shoot somebody. I don’t even have a gun — Or a sword — To put away. But maybe I wish that guy had better aim. That’s a thought some of us had. You don’t have to say it out loud. There’s violence in my heart. Maybe I have enough wits most of the time to keep it hidden from you. But…There’s hate in there.

All I know to say is tell yourself the truth.

Every moment we have a choice. Every word and action starts with a feeling. We can let that feeling carry us away into all kinds of carelessness. Or…we can just notice it with God. Let’s do that right now.

Close your eyes. What are you feeling right now. Hot? Disappointed? Confused? Sad? Angry? Sick of my voice? Now…invite God…love…into that feeling. Love does not tell you you’re wrong for feeling this way. It just notices. Love says your name. We aren’t trying to figure anything out right now. We aren’t formulating sentences we want to say tomorrow when we encounter people we don’t like. We are just noticing with God.

Maybe love has something to say to us right now. Just be still and notice. Maybe there aren’t any words. It’s okay. Just breathe.

Now…imagine you have just stepped onto an elevator. You’re on the top floor. There’s nowhere to go but down. The doors close…and we are moving…you feel that? Now think of all your thoughts and feelings as your mind. All your attention up there. Now let your attention move from your head…down…through your neck and shoulders to your center…your heart. Imagine that’s where God is…always present…not up there in your chattering brain…but centered in you. No thoughts or opinions…no bitching or moaning…just being and loving. Whenever you’re too hot or too upset or too afraid, there is this. It only takes a moment. We have a choice…to go wherever the feeling may take us…or to take the feeling…and return to love. And sometimes we will forget. It’s okay. For lo, I am with you always. Amen.



You are God’s Child

Gifted with dreams and visions.

Upon you rests the grace of God like flames of fire.

Love and serve the Lord in the wildness of your being.

Practice Resurrection.

And may the deep peace of Christ be with you,

The strong arms of God sustain you,

And the glory of the Holy Spirit shine upon your face.


Resource: Regina Shands Stoltzfus

There's a Faith for Normal People podcast episode with this amazing thinker discussing nonviolence. Here's a little quotation:

"Violence is those things—emotional, verbal, physical behavior—which dominates, diminishes, dehumanizes, or destroys ourselves or others."

Shands Stoltzfus gives us a lot to think about here.

Practice: Embodied Prayer

This simple kind of prayer is a great one to turn to when we can feel ourselves beginning to teeter on the edge. Follow the steps below.

One: Feel and sink into what you are experiencing this moment in your body.

Two: WELCOME what you are experiencing this moment in your body as an opportunity to consent to the Divine Indwelling.

Three: Let go by saying: "I let go of my desire for security, affection, control and embrace this moment as it is."

Bonus Resources:

These two essays filled my bucket and I just had to pass them along:

Nadia Bolz-Weber talking about Hope and Anxiety during Wobbly Times


Diana Butler Bass discussing an Icon of Defiance

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Be tender with yourself. Be tender with others.

Grace and Peace,

Katrina and Darren

The Commonplace Church

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